Mt Clinton Pike Improvements Project

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Current Size: 80%

Learn more about the Mt. Clinton Pike Improvements Project!

The Mt. Clinton Pike Improvements Project will improve safety for people walking, jogging, biking, and driving between Virginia Avenue (Route 42) and Park Road.  The project will extend the Northend Greenway by building a shared-use path along the north side of Mt. Clinton Pike.  Other aspects of the project include a left turn lane on Mt. Clinton Pike for turning onto Chicago Avenue and constructions of some segments of sidewalk on the south side of Mt. Clinton Pike.

Project Design Inforamtion


Project History

The project was initially intended to improve safety and accessibility by improving an offset intersection and adding separated bicycle and pedestrian accommodation.  In 2014, the General Assembly passed House Bill 2, which restructured the way the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) awards transportation funds to localities.  The legislative action significantly affected the Mount Clinton Pike Road Improvement project, which was well into the design phase of development at that time.  The City attempted multiple times, unsuccessfully, to obtain the remaining necessary funding to complete the project under the new funding rules.  Since it is significantly unlikely that construction funding can be obtained for the larger scope of the project, staff received VDOT approval to change the scope of the project to allow the City to use the balance of the previously-awarded (pre-2014) project development funds to complete a beneficial, but smaller, project.  


Project Schedule:

  • Preliminary Engineering and Public Involvement - Spring 2021
  • Right of Way/Utilities - 2021- 2022
  • Construction - 2023/24


Related Projects:

  • Chicago Avenue Corridor Study - completed in 2013, this study makes recommendations for traffic, engineering, and land use along Chicago Avenue, Mt. Clinton Pike, Park Road, and Parkwood Drive.
  • Northend Greenway - Shared use path project between Park View area and Downtown Harrisonburg.