Looking for Parking Downtown?
Information on parking in downtown Harrisonburg.
Need a Parking Permit?
Residential parking and parking permit information.
Have You Received a Parking Ticket?
Ticket fine payment may be made by mail or in person to the Treasurer's Office in City Hall at 409 South Main Street (540-432-7705).
Downtown Parking Only:
Find and Pay for the parking ticket online*.
*Please allow 3 business days for the ticket(s) to post before trying to pay online.
*There is an additional processing fee to pay online. For questions, call Downtown Parking Services at 540-432-8928.
If you would like to appeal a ticket, appeal forms may be picked up at the Treasurer's Office or [220KB] download the appeal form.
For questions about appeals, contact Downtown Parking Services at 540-432-8928.
Has Your Car Been Towed?
If you currently have three or more unpaid parking tickets, your vehicle may be towed or booted. If your car has been towed, you will need to visit the Treasurer's Office in City Hall (540-432-7705). All your outstanding parking tickets must be paid in full before you can retrieve your vehicle. You will also be responsible for any tow charges. After you have paid your parking tickets, call the Police Department (540-434-4436) for information on where to retrieve your vehicle.
Quick Contacts
Parking Tickets/Appeals |
Ticket Payment |
Lease Information |
Lot/Deck Maintenance |
Downtown Parking Services |
City Treasurer's Office |
Downtown Parking Services |
Public Works Department |
540-432-8928 |
540-432-7705 |
540-437-2672 |
540-434-5928 |