View the upcoming City Council Agenda, read meeting minutes, or watch a live or past meeting.
City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and begin at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, 409 South Main Street. All meetings are open to the public. You can also watch council meetings on the Public Education Government Channel (Channel 3 or Channel 1084) or stream live video online.
A phone line will also be live where residents will be allowed to call in and speak with City Council during the Public Hearings and the Public Comments portion of the night’s meeting. We ask those that wish to speak during the public comment period to not call in until after all the public hearings and public comment on those have been heard. This will avoid anyone calling on any other item from holding up the queue and then being asked to call back at a later time.
The telephone number to call in is: 540-437-2687
Residents also may provide comment prior to the meeting by visiting this page:
Notice of Intent to comply with Americans With Disabilities Act.
Special assistance is available for disabled persons addressing City Council. Efforts will be made to provide adaptations or accommodations based on individual needs of qualified individuals with disabilities, provided that notification at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the meeting has been received by the City Clerk's Office. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk's Office, 409 S. Main Street City Hall, at 540-432-7701.
Language Interpretation Services Available
Language interpretation service in Spanish is available for City Council meetings. To ensure that interpreters are available at the meeting, interested persons must request the accommodation at least four (4) calendar days in advance of the meeting by contacting the City Clerk at 540-432-7701 or by submitting a request online.
El servicio de interpretación en Español está disponible para las reuniones de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad. Para garantizar que los intérpretes estén disponibles en las reuniones, los interesados deben solicitar los servicios por lo menos cuatro (4) días de calendario antes de la reunión, poniéndose en contacto con la secretaria de la Municipalidad al 540-432-7701 o enviando una solicitud en línea.
[73KB] Procedure for City Council meetings
- The entire agenda packet will be posted on Wednesday or soon thereafter, prior to the scheduled City Council meeting.
- Submit comments on agenda items
- Adopted minutes will be posted the day after City Council approves the minutes or soon thereafter.
- Any minutes prior to July 12, 2011 can be found on the Council Minutes Archives page.
- Official minutes are kept in the City Clerk's office for review. Please come by during the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday, or call 540-432-7701.
- To view a video, go to the agenda page and select the video link for the date of the meeting.
- A window will open with the video and agenda items for that meeting. You can click the linked text in blue next to the agenda item number.
- Streaming video support