Last Updated: August 27, 2024
Use the following resources for information for area businesses and for conducting business in and with the City.
BUSINESS LICENSES Information for obtaining business licenses in the City and an online business license application. |
BUSINESS TAXES Information on business tangible personal property tax, business vehicle tax, trust taxes, and other business taxes. |
BIDS AND PROPOSALS Find Invitations to Bid and Requests for Proposals, vendor applications, and award notifications for contracts. |
PERMIT DIRECTORY Permit directory for building permits and other permits information and applications found on the city website. |
FEES DIRECTORY Fees directory for building and trades permit fees, engineering feeds, planning and zoning fees and other fees found on the city website. |
REAL ESTATE INFORMATION SYSTEM Provides assessment and property information. |
GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM Provides city mapping information. |
MAPS Tax maps, Topographic maps, and other mapping information for the City of Harrisonburg. |
SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST Information for requesting a special event and street closures. |
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL The Design and Construction Standards Manual was developed to promote orderly and quality development by establishing reasonable, technically accurate guidelines for public facilities constructed in the City. |
BUILDING INSPECTIONS Information on building inspection services for the City. |
ENGINEERING Information for engineering, surveying, inspection, site and subdivision development, erosion and sediment control services. |
PLANNING AND ZONING Information for planning and zoning in Harrisonburg: Develops long-range goals of the City and conducts site inspections to determine any zoning issues. |