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The Billing Division of the Department of Public Utilities manages all water and sewer accounts. Please call if you have any questions or concerns.   

Payment Options

Pay by Automatic Bank Draft

Payments are transferred from your bank account to the City of Harrisonburg. Visit the Connections & Disconnections page for application and cancellation forms.

Pay by Credit Card / Debit Card / E-check

Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of paying your utility bills by using your credit card, debit card or E-check. This service is offered in cooperation with the City of Harrisonburg Treasurer's Office and the online provider, Official Payments Corporation. It is safe, reliable, and in accordance with all state and federal government regulations. 

These payment options have service fees: (These fees are charged to the City by the online payment processing company and cannot be waived.)

Credit cards: 2.99 percent with a $1 minimum

Debit cards: 1.99 percent with a $1 minimum

E-checks: $1 service fee.

You can pay by:

Using the Online Payment site.   You will need your email address, password, account number, and Customer ID (CID)

The system will tell you the total of your payment (including the appropriate fee), will approval of the charge, and issue an on-screen confirmation number and printable receipt. Confirmation is emailed to users who request it. The charge will also appear on your credit card statement showing the payment amount on one line and the convenience fee amount on a separate line.

Telephone using a toll-free number 1-800-272-9829   ( Option 3,  Jurisdiction Code is 6219 )

        OR call us at 540-434-6783 and we can assist you with the process.

Pay by Mail

City of Harrisonburg
City Treasurer
P.O. Box 1007
Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1004

Pay in Person

Customers may bring payment and return stub to any of these locations.  (All payments are applied to your account the following business day.)

LocationAddressBusiness Hours
Department of Public Utilities

2155 Beery Rd

Harrisonburg, VA 22801



Treasurer's Office, City Hall

409 S. Main St

Harrisonburg, VA 22801



City Hall Drop Box (south side of building near handicapped parking spaces)

409 S. Main St

Harrisonburg, VA 22801

24 Hours 




Billing Information

Payment Due Dates

Customers connected to the City water and sewer lines will be billed each month for water and sewage based on their water consumption.  Each month water meters are read, bills are sent and payments are due based on the following schedule: 

DistrictAccount Numbers Starting WithPayment Due Date
100, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 60, 61, 62, 63, 649th
222, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 5722nd

Districts are defined in the Billing District Map.

Sample Bill

[2MB] Download a Sample Bill

[148KB] View Back of Bill

Rates and Fees

[68KB]  Water Rates *Effective July 1, 2024

[109KB]  Sewer Rates *Effective July 1, 2024

Service Disconnection Due to Non-Payment

Disconnection Policy set forth in section 7-1-9 of City of Harrisonburg, Code of Ordinances; Chapter 1. - GENERAL PROVISIONS | Code of Ordinances | Harrisonburg, VA | Municode Library

Customers could be disconnected from the service if payments are not made.  Notification of delinquent status and the date the service is scheduled for disconnection will appear on the monthly billing statement. If the service is disconnected for nonpayment, the customer must pay all delinquent bills plus a reconnection charge to restore the service.  The customer should avoid making payments late in the working day.  (Consider department work loads to avoid an overnight without water.)  Please recognize that personal checks will not be accepted for the payment of delinquent accounts.

The Public Utilities Department does not want to disconnect anyone from water and sewer services. If you anticipate a problem making your payments, or have questions about your billing, please call 540-434-9959 and a customer service representative will be able to assist you.

Payment Assistance

Payment plans may be granted by the City upon request (deposits excluded). Requests must be made in writing and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

The City participates in utility assistance programs as funds become available.

In an effort to assist low-income Harrisonburg area residents with their water bills, information can be obtained by calling the Department of Social Services: 540-574-5100.

Additional organizations may also be of assistance:

Salvation Army: 540-434-4854

People Helping People: 540-433-7286

Local Churches


Los planes de pago pueden ser otorgados por la Ciudad a pedido (depósitos excluidos). Las solicitudes deben hacerse por escrito y se revisarán caso por caso.

La Ciudad participa en programas de asistencia de servicios públicos a medida que los fondos están disponibles.

En un esfuerzo para ayudar a los residentes de bajos ingresos del área de Harrisonburg con sus facturas de agua. Se puede obtener información llamando al Departamento de Servicios Sociales: 540-574-5100.

Otras organizaciones también pueden ser de ayuda:

Salvation Army: 540-434-4854

People Helping People: 540-433-7286

Iglesias locales

Late Fees

Getting late fees on your water bills? There are several reasons why this might occur, including postal delays. Did you know that if you’re paying through a financial institution, the financial institution writes a check and mails it to us on your behalf? Depending on when you initiate that transaction, it could get to us later than you might intend. 


Pay in one of these three ways to avoid delays: 

Automatic Bank Draft

  • Automatic payments
  • 20 days to review eBill before withdrawal
  • No fees 


  • Instant payment
  • Fees apply 

By Phone 

  • 1-800-272-9829 (Option 3, jurisdiction 6219)
  • Instant payment
  • Fees apply 



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