Note: Interactive fillable PDFs may not function properly in all browsers. If you experience problems viewing or submitting a PDF, save the PDF file to your computer (right click the link then select "Save target as"/"Save link as") and open it using Adobe Reader. Please contact the office if you cannot get the application to load.


How do I get the water turned on / connected?

 (Additional instructions for New Construction)

1. Complete an application.

[272KB] Application for Residential Account

[313KB] Application for Residential Account (Spanish/EspaƱol)

[195KB] Application for Business / Large Consumer Account

*For PDF's with fillable fields - These forms may be filled out on your computer and then either emailed or printed to be mailed or turned in to the appropriate department. Fillable forms may not show up properly in all browsers. If you experience problems viewing a PDF with form fields, simply save the PDF file to your computer (right click the link then select "Save target as"/"Save link as") and open it using Adobe Reader.

You may call us at 540-434-9959 in lieu of filling out an application. 

2. Present picture identification.

3. Provide Lease/Rental Agreement confirming the following: Name(s) of lessees, Service address, and Signature page.

OR  provide written or electronic notification from the Owner stating the following: Name(s) of lessees, Service address, and stated authorization to obtain water/sewer services with approved dates.

[84KB] Lease Agreement Form   (Example form)

4. Bring a Letter of Credit or pay the corresponding Security Deposit. Checks are made payable to the City of Harrisonburg. 

5. James Madison University students may use the Utility Deposit Application Program (UDAP) contract in lieu of paying the security deposit. 

6. Choose to receive ebills or paper invoice. 

7. Sign up for Automatic Bank Draft.

 How do I provide the documents?
  • By Mail: Department of Public Utilities, 2155 Beery Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

                  Please allow sufficient time for your documents to reach our facility.

*Call us at 540-434-9959 to verify that the information has been received and that your work order has been scheduled.

*Water and sewer services are connected the next business day during business hours. Additional charges for same day service during and after business hours.

Do I have to be at the location when it is connected?  

No. All faucets MUST be turned off to prevent possible property damage. If the service technician detects running water, the service may not be turned on. Efforts will be made to contact you. If faucets have been left on in the house and your water service is connected, the City will not be responsible for any damages.

Letter of Credit

You may submit a letter of credit instead of placing a security deposit.  Letters of credit may be accepted if they include the following information:

  • Letter must show sufficient timeliness in payment over the immediately preceding twelve (12) months from the date applying for service.
  • Letter must be from a major utility such as water, electric or gas.  Letters from a phone or cable company will not be accepted.

Letter may be faxed to 540-434-9769 or emailed to

Please call the office at 540-434-9959 to confirm receipt of the letter.

Security Deposits Required
  • Residential (Single Family & Duplex) 5/8" Meter (Owner) = $100.00
  • Residential (Single Family & Duplex) 5/8" Meter (Renter) = $150.00
  • Business (Including Apartments with 4 or more units) and < 3" meters = $150.00
  • Large Consumers with 3" or Larger Size Meter = $300.00
  • Refuse Only Accounts = $50.00

There will be a 50% reduction on the above deposit rates when simultaneously signing up for ACH and EBills for a minimum period of 12 months. 

Utility Deposit Assistance Program (UDAP)

Full-Time James Madison University (JMU) students can avoid paying a security deposit by participating in this JMU sponsored program. A UDAP contract costs $40.00 and expires on July 31 of each year. Students who need water service after July 31 of any given year, must purchase a new UDAP.

If you wish to participate in this program, please follow the instructions below:

  • Participant must be a full-time, degree-seeking JMU student in good standing (no holds).
  • Contracts can be purchased online or at the Off Campus Life office located in Festival Room 1130. Telephone number 540-568-6071.
  • Contact Public Utilities at 540.434.9959 with UDAP information and to arrange for service connection. The water account must be in the name of the UDAP contract holder.

Enjoy the convenience of being able to access your account information at any time. Includes consumption and payment history.

Receive same-day billing. No waiting for a paper bill in the mail.

Sign Up Today! Call us at 540-434-9959 or send email to All you need is your account number and an email address.

Consider automatic bank draft to avoid late penalties and cost of postage.

Automatic Bank Draft or ACH (Automated Clearing House)

Payments are transferred from your bank account to the City of Harrisonburg.

Payments are always on time. No late fees. No postage. No processing errors.

Sign Up Today!

[83KB] Automatic Withdrawal Form 

[98KB] Automatic Withdrawal Form (Spanish)

[66KB] Automatic Withdrawal Cancellation Form

[54KB] Automatic Withdrawal Cancellation Form (Spanish)

Completed forms can be emailed to, mailed to the Office of Public Utilities, 2155 Beery Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. 

How do I get water turned off / disconnected?

Utility Service Disconnection

Complete the Utility Disconnection Form  [99KB]

This service is provided Monday through Friday during business hours. It can be scheduled as early as the next business day or a future business day of your choice.

We are unable to provide this service on weekends or holidays.  



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