Port Republic Road: Devon Lane to Hunters Road

This project addresses multiple safety concerns on the Port Republic Road corridor between Hunters Rd and Devon Lane, as identified in the Port Republic Road Safety and Operations Study completed in 2019. Installation of a signal at Bradley Drive, with associated left turn lanes on Port Republic Road, improves safety and decreases delays in the peak hours for those entering and exiting Bradley Drive. The addition of crosswalks and pedestrian signals at this intersection improves pedestrian safety and access along Port Republic Road. Construction of a concrete median between Devon Lane and Hunters Road improves safety by eliminating left-turn conflicts, which have led to crashes at Hunters Road and other locations along this segment of Port Republic Road. The project rebuilds the existing westbound bike lane as a separated bike lane, adjacent to the sidewalk, beginning close to Devon Lane and returning to street level at Hunters Road. The project rebuilds sidewalks, where impacted by this project. Project funded through the VDOT SMART SCALE program, with contributions from an adjacent private development.

Port Rep Diagram Bradley Drive











Port Republic Project Open House 

The Harrisonburg Public Works Department will host an open house on Thursday, November 14 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at City Hall Council Chambers, 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg. Visual aids and staff will be present at the open house for information. The public is invited to ask questions, and provide feedback on project design plans during the open house. The open house will also include proposed improvements for the Port Republic: Bluestone Drive to Crawford Avenue project.

Public Questionnaire

A questionnaire will be available at the open house and will be available digitally until December 12, 2024. Written or oral questions and comments may be submitted to Brittany Clem-Hott by emailing Brittany.Clem-Hott@harrisonburgva.gov or calling 540-434-5928, before or after the open house. 

Take the Public Questionnaire here!

Open House Diagrams: 

Project Schedule:

Preliminary Engineering – 2022-24

Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation – 2024-25

Construction – 2026