Site Guide

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Search Tips

One of the easiest ways to find information on this site is to use the search box located in the menu bar of each page. If your first search is unsuccessful, use fewer words or simplify the search.
Also, be sure to check your spelling, it is easy to mistype or misspell a word or phrase, and often misspellings will yield unsuccessful results.

Or, if you still aren't finding the information you are looking for, try the A-Z Index which lists all the pages of our site in alphabetical order.

  • If you a searching for a Parks and Recreation program, class, or activity, try the WebTrac Search.
  • If you are searching for a specific City Code, try the City Code website.


RSS Feeds

RSS RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows you to subscribe to updates on You will need a RSS reader application or online service to browse, open, and subscribe to RSS feeds. There are many free readers available in order to subscribe to our feeds; examples are Bloglines, Google Reader, Mozilla Firefox, and NewsGator.

For a full list of the feeds on, visit the RSS Feeds page or use the RSS RSS icons found throughout our site.


City Events Calendar

The calendar on this website lists events in the City hosted by or related to city departments. These events can be filtered according to type, so if you only wanted to see Parks and Recreation events, you would apply that filter and the calendar would only list events related to Parks and Recreation. You can also sort the calendar according to month, week, day, or year using the links at the top of the calendar page. Or if you prefer, you can also navigate using the previous or next buttons.

The calendar can also filter out according to what is typed into the address bar, so if you wanted to view October 2019, you would type and that will take you to October 2019. Similar naming works with for the year or for the day. For the week, you would need to know which week of the year it was and go to where W41 stands for the 41st week of the year.


You can also import city events to your own calendar using the calendar icon located at the bottom of the calendar. First, select the filter of which events you want to import, or leave the filter set to any, then scroll to the bottom of the calendar and select the icon.  This will ask you if you want to download an .ics file, save the file, and locate the file on your computer. Open the calendar program on your computer or on your browser (Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, etc.), and find the settings of this program to import the .ics file. Once imported, you will have the full list of city events on your own personal calendar, though you may want to update the import monthly for the latest events.


PDF File Links

PDF file links can be identified by the PDF icon: PDF

Some browsers will automatically open PDFs within the browser. However, the City recommends saving the file to your computer and opening PDF files with Adobe Reader® to ensure the file is viewed properly.
Install Adobe Reader® for free.

Using Fillable PDFs:
Some PDF files on have fillable form fields. These forms may be filled out on your computer and then either emailed or printed to be mailed or turned in to the appropriate department.
Fillable forms may not show up properly in all browsers. If you experience problems viewing a PDF with form fields, simply save the PDF file to your computer (right click the link then select "Save target as"/"Save link as") and open it using Adobe Reader.


Links to Word Documents

Word document file links can be identified by the Word Document icon: Word Document

If you do not have Microsoft Word, you can use the free Word Viewer which allows you to view Word documents for free.


Links to Excel Files

Excel file links can be identified by the Excel icon: Excel file

If you do not have Microsoft Excel, you can use the free Excel Viewer  which allows you to view Excel documents for free.


Links to PowerPoint Files

PowerPoint file links can be identified by the PowerPoint icon: Power Point

If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint, you can use the PowerPoint Viewer which allows you to view PowerPoint documents for free.


External Links contains links to external websites and resources. Links will be added and removed on at the City's discretion and without notice. External links will be marked with an icon External Link and will open in a new window so that you can easily return to


Email Links

Email links can be identified by the email icon: Email

For the link to work, you must be using an email client/reader on your computer. If you don't have an email client, you can copy and paste the email address when composing your email.


Image Links

Image file links can be identified by the image icon: Image file

Browsers can open up the full size image file for viewing or downloading.