Trash Collection Schedule

View trash collection areas and days of pick up:

Trash Collection Requirements and Schedule:

View the Harrisonburg refuse collection map (collection zones)

  • Trash/garbage pickup and Recycling Convenience Center schedule changes during holidays: Holiday Schedule.
  • Public Works Toter trash carts are to be placed on the back of the curb on the property line by 7:00am on the collection day but not before 4:00pm on the day prior to pick up.
  • For the Downtown Central Business District, containers should be placed out for pick up no earlier than 6:00am but prior to 11:00am on the scheduled collection day.
  • Businesses and Residents are limited to the collection of trash contained in the Toter trash cart(s) provided by Public Works.  Some exceptions may apply, contact Public Works to learn more.
  • Bundles: Maximum size = 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet high. Maximum weight = 75 pounds. The maximum limb diameter is 2 inches. Must be bounded or tied with a binder strong enough to permit handling.
  • If bags or containers fail during handling the property owner or occupant will assume clean up.  If you notice wear on the Toter trash cart that services your address contact Public Works at 540-434-5928 or to request a repair.
  • Composting is a great way to keep organic materials out of refuse, which diverts waste from the landfill and also cuts down on the potential for "refuse juice" to spill on the street and enter the storm sewer system. Although the City does not provide curbside collection of compost, did you know that there is a public compost drop-off location in Harrisonburg? The Climate Action Alliance of the Valley collects compost near City Hall in parking lot at S. Liberty St. and Warren St. More information.

Visit our Recycling Center and Mobile Unit webpage for Harrisonburg Recycling services information.

Trash Collection Fees

If you need to put out additional bags of trash next to your toter, refuse stickers will be sold at the Treasurer's office and Public Utilities for $1.00 each. After purchase, place refuse stickers on each additional bag of trash. 

Residential $24.00/month fee

  • 1 City provided Toter trash cart per week
  • 10 units yard debris collected once every two weeks
  • 5 units bulk collection collected once every two weeks
  • Unlimited recycling ($11.00 is applied to the solid waste management fee). Recycling details for City residents may be found on the recycling webpage.

Residents can request a second 96-gallon Toter trash cart which is billed at an additional $10 per month for the servicing of the extra Toter trash cart.

Commercial Trash Collection

1 Unit/Day or 5 Units/Week $31.00 
2 Units/Day or 10 Units/Week $51.00
3 Units/Day or 15 Units/Week $71.00 
4 Units/Day or 20 Units/Week $91.00
5 Units/Day or 25 Units/Week $111.00 
6 Units/Day or 30 Units/Week $131.000 
7 Units/Day or 35 Units/Week $151.00
8 Units/Day or 40 Units/Week $171.00 
9 Units/Day or 45 Units/Week $191.00 
10 Units/Day or 50 Units/Week $211.00 
15 Units/Day or 75 Units/Week $231.00
20 Units/Day or 100 Units/Week $251.00
25 Units/Day or 125 Units/Week $271.00
30 Units/Day or 150 Units/Week $291.00
35 Units/Day or 175 Units/Week $311.00
40 Units/Day or 200 Units/Week $331.00 

($11.00 is applied to the Solid Waste Management Fee)

Solid Waste Management Fee

The City of Harrisonburg is required by the Commonwealth of Virginia to recycle at least 25% of total solid waste it receives annually.  Specifically, the Solid Waste Management fee helps subsidize the cost for the recycling program, including but not limited to handling and processing of the total solid waste generated, in order to achieve state and federal mandates. The recycling program has been and will continue to be subsidized with funds from all customers regardless of whether they choose to recycle or not. However, we do encourage all residents and businesses to recycle.

Please contact the Public Works Department at 540-434-5928 with questions.

Toter Trash Carts

Did you know? Each Public Works Sanitation crew member physically handled more than 1 million pounds of refuse in 2019.

Toter trash carts improve the way Harrisonburg collects trash! The Toter system utilizes a Toter trash cart that attaches to a tipper plate, attached to each of the City's sanitation trucks, to lift the 96- or 48-gallon Toter trash carts provided by Public Works for use at each of the serviced addresses.  The Toter program is cleaner, quicker, and has less of a physical impact on our sanitation workers.  We know you have questions, visit the Toter-FAQ section to see answers to some of the most common Toter questions. Do not see your question in the FAQ's?  Email your question to or call the office at 540-434-5928.

Toter Flyer - English [388KB]

¡Los Toter están aquí! - Toter Flyer - Español [742KB]

Toter Flyer - Arabic [7MB]

The Toter trash cart program offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Ease of use for citizens
  • Improved curb appeal on "trash day" by making sure everyone has a large, uniform trash cart instead of placing bags on the ground
  • Creating progress toward the City's Environmental Action Plan goals
  • Increased employee safety by reducing the amount of lifting staff has to endure
  • Cleaner streets and stormwater systems (thanks to enclosed, lidded trash carts keeping debris out of the City road and stormwater ways)
  • Improved collection operations and efficiency

Clean Your Trash Toter Videos

Sometimes the trash toters get stinky and unsanitary. Check out our videos in both English and Spanish with some helpful tips on how to keep your toters and the City looking clean.

Trash Toter FAQs

1. What is the Toter trash cart program?  Public Works is improving the way we collect trash! Through the Toter trash cart program, Public Works has provided to each residence and business that has City trash collection service a Toter trash cart for their trash collection service starting in April 2021. The sanitation trucks have been retrofitted with a mechanical tipper arm on the back to pick up the Toter trash cart and empty it into the truck. The Toter trash carts are the property of Harrisonburg Public Works department, provided for use at the specific address.  

2. Why did the City start the Toter trash cart program?  There are many reasons, the primary ones are:

  • This new program improves aesthetics at the curbside by having a single look to the trash containers set out for collection
  • The trash carts have lids to keep the refuse contained within the cart, and critters out
  • The tipper on the Sanitation trucks to lift and empty the cart will relieve much of the physical stress on the Sanitation crew (in 2019 the Sanitation crew handled more than 1 million pounds of trash, EACH), and
  • The Toter trash cart program will enable the City to make progress in our Environmental Action Plan (EAP) goals.

3. When did the Toter trash cart program start?  It started April 2021.  Only trash set out in a Toter trash cart with the Harrisonburg Public Works logo will be collected, with a few exceptions. See question 7 for more information.  

4. What size are the Toter trash carts?  Residents who have Public Works trash collection service will have three (3) options to choose from to allow you to select the option that best fits your needs.

  • One 48-gallon Toter trash cart.  No additional fee. Or,
  • One 96-gallon Toter trash cart.  No additional fee. Or,
  • Two 96-gallon Toter trash carts.  Additional monthly fee applies for the extra cart.

Commercial businesses that have Public Works trash collection service will have several options to choose from to allow you to select the best option for your business's needs. 

  • One 48-gallon Toter trash cart.  No additional fee. Or,
  • One 96-gallon Toter trash cart.  No additional fee. Or,
  • Additional 96-gallon Toter trash carts.  Additional monthly fee applies for the extra cart.

5. Will it be big enough?  You will have the choice of either a 48- or 96-gallon Toter trash cart.  The 48-gallon holds about three (3) tall kitchen bags. The 96-gallon holds about the same amount as two and a half 35-gallon trash cans. For most, one of the Toter trash carts will be more than enough for your weekly trash. One way to reduce the amount of trash you set out each week is to recycle and compost. Harrisonburg Public Works offers, for your recycling convenience, the Mobile Recycling Unit and Recycling Convenience Center at 2055 Beery Road. Many categories of items are recyclable, learn more about recycling offered by the City and composting at the public drop-off location near City Hall collected by Climate Action Alliance of the Valley.

6. What are the dimensions?

7. What if I have more than will fit in my Toter trash cart?  If you have an instance where you have more trash than the bin can hold you can purchase a tag from the Treasurer’s Office in the municipal building downtown, or Public Utilities (Water) Department at 2055 Beery Rd. These are single-use stickers, available for $1 each, that you would affix to each additional bag of trash. The stickers do not have an expiration date so you can pre-purchase stickers to have on hand for when you need them. Also, keep in mind the more you recycle and compost the more room you will have for other refuse in your Toter trash cart. Recycle more, waste less. If you regularly have more than will fit into one Toter trash cart, you can request a second cart. An additional monthly fee will apply for the servicing of the extra cart. See question 9 for more information.

8. Can I have a second cart? Yes, residents can have a second 96-gallon Toter trash cart (for a total of two 96-gallon trash carts), an additional monthly fee will apply for the servicing of the extra Toter trash cart. Commercial business locations can have additional 96-gallon Toter trash carts, an additional monthly fee will apply for each extra cart. Remember, the Toter's are provided to the serviced address, not to the occupant. This means if you move, the Toter stays at the address to which it was issued.

9. What are the “additional fees” that apply?  In an effort to reach the Environmental Action Plan Focus Area 5, Goal 1 “Support and promote the reduction of refuse in landfills” there will be a fee for those who need more than one Toter trash cart. There will be an additional monthly fee for the servicing of the extra cart. Commercial accounts will also see an additional monthly fee depending upon the number of extra carts they choose.   

10. Will my fee change? In January of 2021, Public Works put into effect a rate change, most residents saw a $1 overall decrease in their bill. For fee details call Public Works at 540-434-5928.

11. Isn’t this going to cost money? It is, but the initial cost will be offset by increased efficiencies over time.

12. If it is going to be more efficient shouldn’t my fee decrease?  A letter sent in early August 2020 announced fee changes going into effect on January 1, 2021, which reduced most residents' overall fee by $1. 

13. Is it easy to move?  The Toter trash carts are built with wheels to make the movement of the cart easy for the user. Toter has this to say about the design “Rugged wheels make Toter cans easy to maneuver; ergonomic design leads to easy to tilt and roll, even when full.” You also have the choice of a 48- or 96-gallon cart.

14. It’s so big.  Where will I put it?  Where you choose to keep your Toter trash cart is up to you, as long as it is out of public view on your property. Out of public view could mean storing the Toter in a garage, around the side of your residence, behind a fence, or behind landscaping. Remember, Toters should only be out at the curb for collection. They should be pulled back after your trash has been collected, and set out of view of the public until the next collection day.

15. Can I leave the Toter at the curb all the time?  That guideline will remain the same, you should place the Toter trash cart on the back of the curb on the property line by 7:00am on the collection day and not before 4:00pm on the day prior to pick up. If you have a medical issue that prevents you from being able to get your trash to the curb call our office, 540-434-5928, we may be able to help. You can also build an enclosed corral (behind the right-of-way) to hold your cart between trash collection days. *If you are in the Downtown District Toter's need to be stored out of sight until after 6am for the first run of collection but before 11am for the second run of collection on your trash collection day. Toter's are not to be left out overnight in the Downtown District. City Code 6-2-28 says Empty Toter's "shall be removed from the pickup point on the same day as collection and placed in storage out of view from the public street."  

16. Is bulk item and yard debris collection going to change?  The assigned Wednesdays will remain as they are; if your trash is picked up on Monday or Thursday your bulk/yard debris collection is the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month.  If your trash is collected on a Tuesday or Friday, your bulk/yard debris collection is the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month. Up to 10 biodegradable yard bags or bundles of yard debris will still be allowed for collection. Yard debris is only to be put out in biodegradable yard debris bags or tied bundles in lengths of four (4) feet or less. Bulk items should be set out on the curb for collection, up to 5 pieces. You can also bring bulk items and yard debris to the Recycling Convenience Center on Beery Rd.  

17. What do I do with the trash cans I have now?  ONLY trash set out in the City-issued Toter trash cart (you will need to make sure the lid is closed) will be collected from the curbside on your trash day. If you do not have a repurpose use for your existing trash can(s), you can bring your trash can to the Recycling Convenience Center. If your trash can is recyclable they will recycle it. If it isn't recyclable they will dispose of it for you. You can also set your existing trash can(s) out on the curb on your bulk trash collection Wednesday with a note asking us to please take the can.

18. Will my trash day stay the same?  For most of the City the trash day will remain the same. The area on the Northside of West Market Street, near Thomas Harrison Middle School, will be changing. Trash should be placed out at the curb by 7:00am on your designated trash day, no earlier than 4:00pm the day prior. You have a trash day, not a trash time as weather, routes, and staffing varies.

19. How does this program address EAP goals?  It will address EAP goals through:

  • Cleaner streets and streams due to the lidded trash carts containing loose debris
  • Reduction of the tonnage of refuse to the landfill through the reduction of the amount of trash included in standard collection
  • Improved efficiencies of trash collection
  • Encouragement of recycling and composting, keeping those materials out of the landfill.

20. What if something breaks?  For regular wear and tear maintenance of the Toter trash cart the Public Works department will handle the maintenance.

21. What if my Toter trash cart is damaged or goes missing?  You are responsible for the Toter trash cart provided for use at your address. If the Toter trash cart requires replacement (for reasons beyond normal wear and tear) you will be charged the cost of a new Toter trash cart. Be sure to put your address number on the white rectangle on the lid of the cart to identify which address it services. 

22. How will I know which Toter was provided for use at my address if they all look the same? The Toter trash cart will have an area on the lid where you should write your street address number, or use number stickers, which will visually connect the Toter to the address it serves. There are to be no other markings made on the Toter trash carts.  We ask that you write your street address number, legibly (or apply number stickers), on the address area on the lid as soon as you receive your Toter trash cart.


23. Can I spray paint the Toter to make it easier to identify?  No. There should be no markings made on the Toter trash carts. There will be an area on the lid where you can write your street address number. Toter trash carts will also have RFID’s (radio frequency identification chips) embedded in them. These will allow us to scan the Toter trash cart to determine to which service address it belongs if the address number is not indicated on the lid. We ask each user to mark, legibly, their street address number on the lid of the Toter trash cart as soon as they receive it.

24. What if the property is a rental with multiple units? The Toter trash cart lid should be marked with the appropriate street number and unit identifier(s) to prevent confusion. Please be sure to write legibly or use number stickers.

25. Does the Toter trash cart belong to me?  It does not, the Toter trash cart(s) are the property of Harrisonburg Public Works Department and are provided to the serviced address, not to the property occupant. This means if you move, the Toter trash cart(s) remain at the property for the next occupant. As the occupant of the service address, you are responsible for maintaining the Toter trash cart in good condition.

26. What if I need to change the size I selected?  You can certainly change the Toter trash cart you use; as long as the Toter trash cart you return is in good condition we will do an exchange if we have the desired size on hand. If it is damaged beyond normal wear and tear, you will be charged for the Toter on your next bill. We ask that you use the one you receive for a few weeks. If after a few weeks you determine it is not what you need, give us a call in May and if we have what you need on hand we will gladly swap sizes.

27. I didn't make a Toter selection, will I get a Toter?  Yes! Anyone who did not make a selection will have a 96-gallon Toter trash cart provided for the serviced address. Each address serviced by Harrisonburg Public Works trash collection (other than a few exceptions in the Downtown District) will receive a Toter trash cart.   

28. How should I place the Toter trash cart on the curb for collection? You should place your Toter out for collection with the handle facing toward where the sanitation truck will pick up your trash. Thank you for taking a little extra time to help out the sanitation crews.

29. Do I need to put my trash in a bag or can I put loose trash in the Toter for collection? We recommend using trash bags and placing the closed bags in the Toter trash cart for delivery. This will help contain the trash should the lid come open, and help keep "trash juice" from coating the inside of the Toter. We recognize that there may be times where there is loose trash in the Toter, we just ask that you put bagged trash over it to help keep it contained should the lid come open.

30. I only have one small bag of trash, do I still need to use the Toter? Yes! Trash needs to be in the Toter trash cart for collection, even if it is just one small bag. This will help keep our streets and streams cleaner and keep our sanitation crews safer.

31. Should I clean out the Toter periodically? YES! The Toter should be rinsed out regularly to prevent organisms from growing and it will help prevent "trash juice" from accumulating and it will keep the smell down. Please do not use chemicals to clean the Toter as they are will end up in our storm sewer system and harm our local waterways. A mixture of vinegar and baking soda is recommended if a simple spray out with a garden hose is not enough.

Have other questions? Contact us at:


Facebook @HarrisonburgPublicWorks

320 East Mosby Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Trash Services for Businesses

Small businesses, that have city or private refuse collection, are still encouraged to source separate recyclables and bring them to the Recycling Convenience Center or Mobile Recycling Unit.

Bulk and Yard Debris Services

The City of Harrisonburg collects bulk and yard debris/leaves twice a month. These pickup days will be determined by your regular trash day. 

What day is my yard debris/bulk day?

My regular trash day is on ...Then my yard debris and bulk pick up day is:
Monday or Thursday:1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
Tuesday or Friday:2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
 If there is a 5th Wednesday of the month, there are no pickups.

Accepted bulk items include:

  • Furniture
  • Mattresses
  • Home appliances
  • Yard debris/leaves (please place in a bag or bundle with string- 4 foot length maximum)
  • Large packaging that cannot be broken down and placed in your Trash Toter
  • Other large items not taken on your normal trash day

Latex paint must be completely dried out. (Note: Oil-based paints are not accepted for Yard Debris and Bulk Collection, but dried out Oil-based paint can be brought to Household Hazardous Waste Days for proper disposal.)

Items that are NOT accepted as bulk items include:

  • Cardboard that can be broken down (please make a Cardboard Collection Reservation, bring cardboard to the Recycling Convenience Center, 2055 Beery Road, or break it down and place in your Trash Toter)
  • Bags of regular trash (please put out on your trash day only)
  • Regular recyclables (please bring to the Recycling Convenience Center).

Instructions for Yard Debris:

Yard debris/leaves must be in biodegradable bags or bundled and tied with string.  Please make sure the length of the bundle is 4 feet or less.

Residents may set out a maximum of ten (10) yard debris items and a maximum of five bulk items on their scheduled Wednesday.

Please call 540-434-5928 if you have any questions.

Yard Debris Container Rental

The City offers use (for a fee) of a 10-yard roll-off container to be used only for yard debris removal. Applicants must meet all requirements on the application.

Please call 540-434-5928 for more information.

Christmas Tree Collection on Bulk and Yard Debris Day

Residents may place their Christmas tree just behind the curb on their scheduled Bulk and Yard Debris day. Please remove all lights and decorations from the tree and please no artificial trees to ensure pickup. If you wish to dispose of your tree outside of your Bulk and Yard Debris Day, you may drop off your tree at the Harrisonburg Recycling Convenience Center, 2055 Beery Road, Harrisonburg, during open hours.

Hazardous Waste Services

Upcoming 2025 Drop Off Dates:

May 10, 2025

October 11, 2025


8:00am - 12:00pm


Rockingham County Landfill
813 Greendale Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

*For Harrisonburg City and Rockingham County residents.


Accepted Household Hazardous Waste Materials:

Oil-based paint, solvents, spent fuel, motor oil, syringes and needles, pesticides, herbicides, lead acid, NiMH, Li-ion, and NiCd batteries, fluorescent lights, antifreeze, and cleaners. Please bring materials in original containers when possible. Collection will be limited to 5 units per household per event, therefore we encourage consolidation.

Materials must be labeled and in their original containers.

Protect yourself and visit the US Environmental Protection Agency's website for information on how to package and transport a mercury containing device to the collection site.  

No containers over five gallons in size.

No latex paint (dispose with bulk collection).

No chlorinated solvents (methylene chloride)

No regular recyclables. Recyclables can be brought to the Mobile Recycling Unit or to the Recycling Convenience Center. 

For questions or more information please call 540-434-5928 or Rockingham County's Recycling Coordinator at 540-564-3008.


What is household hazardous waste?

Household hazardous wastes are defined as leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients. Products such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries and pesticides that contain potentially hazardous ingredients require special care when you dispose of them.

Improper disposal of household hazardous wastes can include pouring them down the drain, on the ground, into storm sewers, or in some cases putting them out with the trash. The dangers of such disposal methods might not be immediately obvious, but improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health.

Leaf Collection - Scheduled & Drop Off Services

The mission of leaf collection is to assist the citizens with the disposal of leaves through an annual collection program. In addition to leaf collection services, the City also recommends alternative options for leaf maintenance.

Leaf Pickup Services (Via Collection Machine)

*In the heavily forested areas a specific truck is assigned for leaf collection.

2024 Leaf Collection Time frame - Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - December 13, 2024 (Weather Permitting)

Leaf Collection via Bulk Trash Day 

Weekly Pickup is also available alongside the City's Bulk trash collection day if leaves are placed in a biodegradable bag (available at your local Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, etc.) or 35 gallon container with no liner, on your regular assigned Wednesday bulk pickup. (See Yard Debris and Bulk collection.) 

Note: Adverse weather conditions during this period can restrict the collection process. Cold temperatures can cause moisture in the leaves to freeze creating large balls of ice which can damage the leaf collection machines. Also, an early snow event may cause collection delays and snow removal efforts can cause existing leaf piles to be plowed up. 

Leaf Collection at the Recycling Convenience Center

Leaves may also be placed in biodegradable bags and dropped off at the Recycling Convenience Center during open hours, Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm and Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm. Closed during city holidays.

Alternative Leaf Maintenance Methods

Leaves are an important source for overwintering beneficial insects and butterflies. To encourage biodiversity in your yard and help insect populations, you may consider leaving the leaves. Mulch the leaves on the lawn to avoid smothering the lawn, but leave leaves as they fall in perennial beds, under tree canopies, around shrubs, and some ground covers.

Rather than blowing or bagging the leaves, mow them. By mowing your lawn leaves, you benefit to your home green space by reducing noise and greenhouse gases, creating compost that enriches your soil, reducing air pollution, provide winter shelter for beneficial organisms and more!

Check out the below alternative leaf maintenance resources for more information:

Please call Public Works at 540-434-5928 if you have any questions.


Additional Resources:


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