The City of Harrisonburg offers a variety of opportunities for community members to participate in the enhancement of public spaces and programs through the gifting of public amenities, financial donations, or other gifts.
Amenity Donation Program
Contributions to Harrisonburg's donation program serve to enhance the beauty and enjoyment of the City's parks and public spaces. Any interested community member, community group, business or visitor can donate an amenity.
City of Harrisonburg Donation Policy [111KB]
Types of Donations & Gifts
Look through the Amenity Donation Catalog [4.9MB] to see what there is to choose from. You can donate a new amenity or replace an existing amenity. If you would like to make a financial donation to the City to support a specific City program or project, please contact the City Manager's Office so we can work with you to facilitate your contribution in the best possible manner.
Official Tax Receipts
Official tax receipts will be provided to donors upon request for donations of $20 or greater.
How to Donate an Amenity
- Choose the amenity from the Amenity Donation Catalog [4.9MB]
- Complete a Donation Application Form [197KB] and then email the form to the City Manager's Office at, or mail or drop-off the form to:
City Manager's Office
City of Harrisonburg
409 S. Main St.
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Once your application has been reviewed and accepted by City staff, you will receive an invoice with payment information.