Traffic Signal Safety Improvements

This project involves safety improvements at intersections with traffic signals across the city. Two types of improvements will be completed: installation of audible pedestrian signals and upgrading traffic signals to include flashing yellow arrows. These improvements are funded by a federal Highway Safety Improvement Program grant.

Audible pedestrian signals communicate “walk” and “don’t walk” information to pedestrians, which is essential for the mobility and safety of visually-impaired residents. As part of this project, upgrades will be made to add audible pedestrian signals to most signalized intersections in the City.  The diagram below indicates locations that will have APS installed by this project, as well as by other construction projects found on the Transportation Projects website.

A flashing yellow arrow allows left turns at signalized intersections, while increasing safety by indicating that vehicles must yield to oncoming traffic. The flashing yellow arrow takes the place of the green ball that also allows left turns on green, however, research shows the flashing yellow arrow to be a more intuitive signal for drivers that reduces crashes. As part of this project, upgrades will be made to add flashing yellow arrows to traffic signals at 18 intersections, indicated in the diagram below.

PDF[299KB] Project Diagram PDF

Image file[299KB] Project Diagram JPEG 


Project Schedule:

Preliminary Engineering – 2019

Construction – 2020