Recycling services are available to Harrisonburg City residents.
Residents may drop off their recyclables either at the Recycling Convenience Center, 2055 Beery Road, or at Mobile Recycling Unit locations.
The City is now offering Cardboard Recycling Collection by Reservation!
Drop Off Recycling Services
- Recycling Convenience Center
How it works:
Residents are responsible for taking their own, presorted, recyclable materials to the center or mobile unit. Once at the drop-off location, the items will need to be placed into the appropriately labeled container. An attendant will be on-site to provide assistance.
Materials accepted in marked bins: Please presort your recyclables.
- #1 Plastic (transparent only)
- #2 Plastic
- Plastic bags
- Household Batteries (AA, AAA, 9V, etc.)
- Aluminum Beverage Cans
- Tin Cans
- Glass
- Office Paper (Shredded or White)
- Newspaper, magazines, junk mail
- Cardboard (this includes manila envelopes)
- Bulk (i.e. furniture, mattress, box spring, TV, stereo, computer) - *Convenience Center only
- Yard Debris (tree/brush/shrub trimmings and bagged leaves only) - *Convenience Center only
- Bagged Grass Clippings - *Convenience Center only
- Scrap Metal (i.e. appliance with Freon removed, washer, dryer, bed frame, lawnmower, barbecue grill) - *Convenience Center only
Materials NOT accepted:
- #3-#7 Plastic
- Opaque #1 plastic (non-transparent)
- Mixed material items (i.e. manila envelope with interior plastic cushion)
- Prescription medication
- Household Hazardous Waste (Biannual collection)
- Automotive Parts
- Construction Debris (accepted at Rockingham County Landfill)
- Compost (Harrisonburg Farmers Market)
Recycling Convenience Center
2055 Beery Road, Harrisonburg, VA
Hours of operation:
- Monday through Friday* 8:00am-4:00pm
- Saturday 8:00am-noon
*Closed for city holidays.
Thank you for presorting your recyclables!
- Recycling Mobile Unit
Recycling Mobile Unit
Hours of operation: 8:00am-12:00pm *Weather permitting and closed for city holidays.
- Monday - Lucy Simms Center - 620 Simms Ave.
- Tuesday - Westover Park - 305 S Dogwood Dr.
- Wednesday - Park View Mennonite Church - 1600 College Ave
- Thursday - W. Gay St. - Parking lot for walking track adjacent to Waterman Elementary
- Saturday - Farmer's Market - 345 S Main St.
*Please Note: In the event the Mobile Recycling unit reaches capacity, the attendant is required to close early.
- Electronics Recycling
All electronics, for example, tvs, radios, computers, etc. are accepted at the Recycling Convenience Center during open hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm and Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm. Closed during city holidays. Electronics should be placed in the metal recycling bin.
- Leaf Drop Off at the Recycling Convenience Center
Leaves may be placed in biodegradable bags and dropped off at the Recycling Convenience Center during open hours, Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm and Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm. Closed during city holidays.
Recycling Collection Services by Reservation
- Cardboard Collection by Reservation
In efforts to make cardboard recycling services more accessible to residents and to improve sanitation services efficiency, Harrisonburg Public Works has enhanced services to include a specific day dedicated to cardboard pickup by reservation. Harrisonburg Residents, who currently receive Harrisonburg Public Works trash collection services, may now reserve any Friday of the month (excluding holidays) to have their cardboard materials picked up. Reservations for cardboard pickup are free of charge.
How to make a Cardboard Collection Reservation:
- Visit the Cardboard Collection Reservation webpage
- Type and select your pickup location address and desired Friday for pickup
- Make sure your reservation is placed by Thursday at noon before the requested Friday(s) collection date.
- Make sure your cardboard is broken down and placed beside the curb where you normally place your Trash Toter.
- Harrisonburg Public Works Sanitation crews will come collect your cardboard on your reserved Friday after 7:00am.
**For questions or if you have no access to internet please call 540-434-5928.
Cardboard materials may also be dropped off at the Harrisonburg Recycling Convenience Center, 2055 Beery Road, Harrisonburg during open hours.