Friendly City Trail Shared Use Path - Cale Section

This project will connect Thomas Harrison Middle School to Westover Park by a 2,100 linear foot shared-use path. 

The shared-use path will be a 10ft wide paved trail with 2ft shoulders on both sides. Excavation will occur to remove organics, loose rock, and topsoil. Trail foundation will be brought up to grade. Typical asphalt pavement section will include 12” scarified, moistened & recompacted native soil, 6” aggregate base material, and 2” asphalt. The Cale section of the Friendly City Trail will also connect Bluestone Elementary and Harrisonburg High School via the larger Friendly City Trail shared-use path project. 

The project area has a mix of mature and semi-mature hardwood and early succession dense with cedar on rocky slopes, with one heavily disturbed area near Market St. Natural slopes are less than 30% while artificial slopes created by past disturbance are much steeper. Some of the area has been cleared and stumped. No impacts to wetlands or waters of the United States are anticipated as part of the proposed project as no jurisdictional features have been identified on-site. There is site drainage that will require a culvert, but it is not characterized as a jurisdictional stream. In addition, no indirect or cumulative impacts associated with the proposed project have been identified. 


This project is grant-funded through the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), which is funded through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and is administered by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). 

PDF[1.62MB] Project Diagram PDF


Project Schedule:

Engineering/Design - January 2020

Construction - December 2021