Chicago Avenue and Waterman Drive Corridors Study

This study evaluates the transportation and stormwater needs along Chicago Avenue between Rockingham Drive and Mount Clinton Pike, and along Waterman Drive between West Market Street and Chicago Avenue. Multiple alternatives will be evaluated to address needs for people walking and biking, alongside consideration of improvements on parallel routes used by people walking and biking. Safety and operational improvements at intersections will be evaluated for all roadway users. The study will identify a preferred concept for transportation improvements, for which the City can seek funding for construction. The study will also identify preferred stormwater measures that address existing challenges and work alongside proposed transportation improvements.

Chicago Avenue and Waterman Drive Corridors Study Open House

The Harrisonburg Public Works Department will be hosting an open house on Tuesday, October 15 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at the Price Rotary Senior Center, 309 South Dogwood Drive, Harrisonburg. Visual aids and staff will be present at the open house to discuss with the community their experiences, thoughts, and questions.

Public Questionnaire: Coming Soon

Open House Diagrams: Coming Soon

Project Schedule: 

Study and Public Outreach 2024