South Main Street (Route 11) is a major arterial route with observed operational issues at the intersection of Erickson Avenue/Stone Spring Road, which has several major left turning movements, as well as existing safety concerns on the corridor extending to the south.  The City of Harrisonburg has also established through a land development traffic study that there will be future operational and safety issues at the intersection of Erickson Avenue and Pear Street that may not be adequately resolved with signalization.  The City has developed a preliminary concept for an innovative intersection treatment that will be refined and advanced.  

The purpose of this VDOT Strategically Targeted and Affordable Roadway Solutions (STARS) project is two-fold. First, it will evaluate operational and safety conditions and identify short- and long-term improvements that can be programmed into the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP) for a segment of South Main Street from Mosby Road to Stone Spring Road/Erickson Avenue.  Second, it will evaluate and perform preliminary design work for the conceptual treatment developed by the City of Harrisonburg for the Erickson Avenue and Pear Street intersection. The South Main Street alternatives evaluation will consider operational and safety improvements through geometric design, access management improvements, lane utilization/repurposing and innovative intersection or interchange configurations. Advancement of work on the intersection of Erickson Avenue and Pear Street will include an assessment of the function and feasibility of the conceptual treatment, analysis of beneficial modification to this concept, and preliminary design plan development.

For additional information, including final project deliverables, view this VDOT webpage

And questions may be directed to Jakob zumFelde, Public Works Transportation Planner at 540-434-5928 or by email,



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