Northeast Neighborhood

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Visit the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program webpage for the NTCP Program Guide and information about the City's Team Up to Slow Down Program.


Proposed Intersection Safety Improvements

Public Works staff and the Transportation Safety and Advisory Commission have identified changes to improve safety at the intersections in the neighborhood, with a focus on those intersections that have had the most crashes over the last seven years. Information about the changes that have been completed and changes that are proposed can be found in this document:

English: Intersection Safety Changes 2022 [1.36MB] pdf icon 

Spanish: Intersection Safety Changes 2022  [1.4MB] pdf icon 

Arabic: Intersection Safety Changes 2022  [1.44MB] pdf icon 


To ask questions or provide comments about the proposed changes, contact Jakob zumFelde, Public Works Planner, at 540-434-5928 or


This page is for the Northeast Neighborhood and will be updated with meeting summaries, maps, and information related to neighborhood traffic safety concerns and efforts to address them.


November 2021: Intersections Identified for Safety Improvements: 

English [889KB] pdf icon   Spanish  [799KB] pdf icon   Arabic  [840KB] pdf icon 

January 28, 2020 City Council Agenda [105] PDF and Presentation [Video] - Neighborhood Enrollment

July 12, 2017 Meeting Summary [4MB] PDF

September 26, 2017 City Council Agenda [124KB] PDF and Presentation [Video] - Traffic study request

Traffic Study Map, December 2017 [3MB] PDF

Traffic Study Results, December 2017 [3MB] PDF


Additional Resources


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