What is Team Up to Slow Down?
Team Up to Slow Down is a program that partners citizens with city staff to work on slowing down the speeding problems in local neighborhoods. Virginia law sets the speed limit in residential neighborhoods at 25 miles per hour. Failure to follow the speed limit endangers bicyclists and pedestrians who also use the road for travel. Team Up to Slow Down works to encourage people to slow down and is multifaceted, including a variety of tools, including neighborhood meetings, resident pledge cards, brochures, yard signage and bumper stickers.
Who is involved in the Team Up to Slow Down Program?
This program involves citizens of local neighborhoods, Harrisonburg Public Works and Harrisonburg Police Department.
How does my neighborhood get involved with this program?
- Talk to your neighbors: Find out if your neighbors share your concerns about people speeding in your neighborhood. If you are interested in working together to fight this issue call either the Public Works Department at 540-434-5928 or the Police Department at 540-434-4436.
- Hold a community meeting: Once your neighborhood contacts the City, hold a community meeting to discuss driving habits in your neighborhood. Based on this conversation choose the best method of action to take with your community.
- Taking Action: After your neighborhood has discussed the best method of action for your community to take, the City of Harrisonburg will provide tools to assist with your neighborhood's action against speeders.
The following tools are available:
- Yard Signs: These yard signs feature a catchy slogan that will remind passing cars to slow down and follow the speed limit.
- Pledge Cards: Cards that ask you to commit to abiding traffic laws so that you can change the ways of the road by setting a good example.
- Bumper Stickers: Stickers that can be placed on your bumper to remind drivers behind you to follow safe driving practices.

Get a free bumper sticker when you take the pledge!
I commit to help stop speeding and reckless driving in the City of Harrisonburg and my neighborhood by agreeing to follow the guidelines below.
I will obey posted speed limits.
I will wear seat belts and require all others in my vehicle to do the same.
I will follow other cars at safe and respectful distance.
I will watch closely for children while driving through neighborhoods and near schools.
I will minimize my distractions in my car including cell phones, music, and eating.
I will be courteous and give room when passing bicyclists on the road.
I will help my community understand that our commitment can save lives and make our city safer.
To take the pledge and get a free bumper sticker, contact Public Works Department, at 540-434-5928 or publicworks@harrisonburgva.gov.
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