Voter Registrar

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Voter Registrar

Check My Registration Information

Check My Registration Information

Register to Vote

Register to Vote

Early Voting & Vote by Mail

Early Voting & Vote by Mail

Where Do I Vote?

Where Do I Vote?

Voting Resources

Voting Resources


The General Registrar's office maintains accurate voter records, registers residents to vote, certifies candidates for local offices and conducts elections.



City Hall, 1st Floor

409 South Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801 


Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
*Saturday, October 26th and November 2nd: 9:00am - 5:00pm 


Mark Finks, Director of Elections/General Registrar -

Phone: 540-432-7707

Fax: 540-432-7784



Election Dates in 2024: