Public Safety Building Security Fence Project Request for Qualifications


RFQ Number: 2022028-PW-DB
RFQ Title: Public Safety Building Security Fence Project Request for Qualifications
Contact: Mr. Shane B. Smith, Procurement Manager




The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) by the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia (City) is to solicit Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from interested vendors (Offeror) to serve as the Design-Builder for the Harrisonburg Public Safety Building Security Fence Project. The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit information that will enable the City to determine which Offerors: (a) are best qualified to successfully execute the design and construction of the Project; and (b) will be invited to submit proposals in response to the City’s Request for Proposals (RFP). Offeror’s SOQs must meet all requirements established by this RFQ. Requirements of this RFQ generally will use the words “shall”, “will”, or “must” (or equivalent terms) to identify a required item that must be submitted with an Offeror’s SOQ. Failure to meet an RFQ requirement may render an Offeror’s SOQ non-responsive while the extent to which an Offeror meets or exceeds evaluation criteria will be rated by the Evaluation Committee and be ref ective of the Evaluation Committee’s scoring of Offeror’s SOQs. Offerors shall take note that the RFQ is being provided for information purposes only. All documents included therein are subject to change; therefore, these documents shall not be relied upon for the purposes of developing a Proposal.

See Request for Qualifications for more information on the City's Design-Build Procurement Procedures.

Publication Date:
May 18, 2022 
Closing Date/Time:
 June 16, 2022 on or before 3:00pm local time
Project Information Meeting Date/Time:

June 1, 2022 at 10:00am local time

409 S. Main Street, Room 011, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 

All questions must be received no later than June 9, 2022 on or before 3:00pm loal time.
Submittal Information:

Purchasing Office, 409 South Main Street, Third Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

*Any Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) received after the closing date and time will not be accepted.

Bid/Proposal Opening Information:
Special Requirements & Highlights:
 See RFQ
ITB/RFP Documents & Attachments:

PDF[1MB] Public Safety Building Security Fence Project Request for Qualifications

PDF[9MB] Public Safety Building Security Fence Project Request for Qualifications - DRAWINGS

None at this time.
 None at this time.