Property Information

Property information services on the city website include:

  • Real Estate Information System - Provides assessment information, print property cards, and find neighborhood sales.
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) - GIS technology combines layers of information concerning a particular area to give people a better understanding of that area. Find city maps, floodplain and other information.
  • Maps - Download Tax Maps, Topo Maps from 1996, and other maps.



Disclaimer: The information contained in these pages is not to be construed as a "legal description". Map and/or report information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the City of Harrisonburg Engineering Department. In no event will the City of Harrisonburg be liable for any damage, including loss of data, lost profits, business, interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss that might arise from the use of these maps and/or reports or the information they contain.

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