Personal Property Tax Exemption: Disabled Veterans


Section 6 of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia was amended effective January 1, 2021 to establish the exemption from local property taxation for one vehicle (i.e. car or truck) used primarily by or for a 100% service-connected, totally and permanently Disabled Veteran.  The vehicle may be owned (not leased) by the Disabled Veteran and/or their spouse.

Please read the requirements below to see if you qualify.

To receive an exemption, complete the Disabled Veterans Personal Property Tax Exemption application PDF [178KB] and provide the supporting documentation as described below.  

Note: If the Disabled Veteran owns their home in the City of Harrisonburg please see the application and information at Disabled Veterans Real Property Tax Exemption.  




  • The United States Department of Veterans Affairs must have determined that the veteran has a 100% service-connected, total and permanent disability or a total disability rating based on individual unemployability due to a service-connected disability.
  • Documentation from the Department of Veteran Affairs must be provided with the first request.
  • To request a statement from the United States Department of Veteran Affairs confirming a 100% service-connected disability, you may submit a Department of Veterans Affairs Form 21-4138  PDF[1.72MB].


Personal Property Ownership

  • The motor vehicle (i.e. car or truck) must be owned by the veteran and/or spouse.
  • After the initial application, each February the Disabled Veteran will be mailed a form on which he/she can designate a different vehicle to receive the exemption for that year.
  • Leased vehicles and vehicles owned by a business will not qualify.


Property Use

The vehicle must be used primarily by or for the veteran.

Note:  The exemption does not also eliminate the vehicle license fee on the vehicle.  Disabled Veterans are entitled to exemption of the vehicle license fee for only one (1) vehicle with disabled veteran's license plates.