In 2002, the City of Harrisonburg and other interest groups created a plan for the area around Blacks Run. This plan was developed in hopes that the building of a greenway would increase the water quality and aquatic life of the stream. The Blacks Run Greenway Master Plan is referenced in the City's Comprehensive Plan and is being implemented through projects prioritized in the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, e.g. Bluestone Trail and Northend Greenway.
All files are in PDF format and should open in a new window. (Information on using PDF files).
Table of Contents [316KB]
Introduction [375KB]
Chapter 1: Plan Development [319KB]
Chapter 2: Goals and Objectives [373KB]
Chapter 3: User and Needs Assessment [530KB]
Chapter 4: Existing Conditions [1.5MB]
Chapter 5: Inventory and Analysis [5.9MB]
Chapter 6: Design Guidelines [3.5MB]
Chapter 7: Conceptual Greenway Plan [4.9MB]
Corridor Analysis Maps [3MB]
Concept Plan Maps [3MB]