Important Real Estate Dates

January 1  New assessment values become effective.
January (last week) Existing Applications for Elderly/Disabled Tax Relief are mailed out.

March 19th - 21st, 2024

March 21, 2024

The Real Estate Board of Equalization Public Hearings are in March.

Last day to appeal is March 21, 2024.

May 1 Deadline to file for Elderly and/or Disabled Tax Relief program.
June 5 Second half of the real estate on a fiscal tax year due.
September (last week) Existing Land Use Applications are mailed out.
November 1 Deadline to file Land Use Application.
November 2023 2024 Reassessment Notices sent out, *if there was any change to the assessment value.
December 5 First half of the real estate on a fiscal tax year due. Elderly/Disabled Tax Relief is applied to taxes.

December 11th- 15th, 2023

December 15, 2023

Real Estate Appeals for 2024 Assessments.

Last day to appeal 2024 Assessments.


Download list: PDF icon[8KB] Important Real Estate Dates To Know


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