Halloween Events

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Halloween Pumpkins

Trick-or-Treat Date/Time:

The City of Harrisonburg does not determine, enforce or coordinate a Trick-or-Treat time. If you have questions about when people will be trick-or-treating in your neighborhood, please talk to your neighbors.

Please call the City Manager's Office at 540-432-7701 with further questions.


Organized Halloween Events:

Skeleton Festival - Saturday, October 7
If you are looking for something more formal and organized, Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance will hold the Skeleton Festival on Saturday, October 7 from 2:00pm - 5:00pm. More information.



Halloween Safety:

Always keep in mind a few safety tips when trick‐or‐treating this Halloween:

Before trick‐or‐treating:

  • Plan your route ahead of time - Trick-or-Treat in familiar neighborhoods.
  • Make certain costumes do not inhibit vision and will not cause tripping or falling.
  • Teach children to never enter a person's home or vehicle.
  • Pick a place to meet in case you get separated and write down emergency contacts.

While trick‐or‐treating:

  • Trick‐or‐treat earlier in the evening to finish before it gets too dark.
  • All Halloween Trick or Treaters should have a flashlight or a device that helps motorists be able to see you while walking through neighborhoods on dark roads.
  • Children should never trick‐or‐treat alone and always be accompanied by an adult.
  • Only approach homes that are familiar and well‐lit both inside and out.
  • Walk with your head up and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Stay on the sidewalks and out of the streets. Cross only at intersections and designated crosswalks.
  • Respect other people and their property.
  • Motorists should be alert and watch out for pedestrians near the roadway.
  • Report any suspicious individual or criminal activity to an adult or the police.

After trick‐or‐treating:

  • Adults should examine children's candy before they consume it.


The City of Harrisonburg wishes the community a safe and spooky Halloween!