Bus Service
HDPT Priorities: Safety. Customer Service. Schedule. Find information on Harrisonburg bus routes and bus services.
HDPT Priorities: Safety. Customer Service. Schedule. Find information on Harrisonburg bus routes and bus services.
Please use the following forms and resources for HDPT listed below by category.
Transit bus transfer locations within the City of Harrisonburg and James Madison University.
Phone, fax, address, hours, and email list for Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation.
The Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation (HDPT) does not take responsibility for the items lost on transit buses, school buses, and other revenue and non-revenue vehicles. Passengers are urged to turn over recovered items to the vehicle driver.
Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation Policies and Procedures.
If you’re looking into advertising for the first time or just want to reevaluate your advertising options, Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation (HDPT) might just have what you're looking for!
School bus stop listings, guidelines, safety, and conduct information.
Information on the Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation bus services and routes.
HDPT Priorities: Safety. Customer Service. Schedule.