Trade permits are required for all electrical, plumbing, and mechanical (HVAC) work. Trade permits are required in addition to building permits for most construction activities.
- Applying for a Trade Permit
Online: Submit applications, track and pay for permits online via the LAMA Permit Portal. If you are a contractor and need a registration code, call the Department of Community Development at 540-432-7700 or email
Via email: Permit applications may be emailed to
In person: Visit us at Community Development, 409 S Main St, 2nd Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
Permit Forms:
- Backflow Prevention Device [186KB]
- Electrical [536KB]
- Panel Torque Settings [197KB]
- Fire Suppression System [134KB]
- Mechanical [525KB]
- Plumbing [511KB]
Please contact the Community Development Building Inspections Division at 540-432-7700 for more information.
- Backflow Prevention Device
Cross Connection/Backflow Prevention Control Program
[9KB] Cross Connection/Backflow Prevention Control
General Information
A Plumbing permit and a Backflow permit are required for any new construction, alterations, additions, and/or other types of plumbing work performed in relation to a backflow device in the City of Harrisonburg. If a backflow device will be installed as part of a Fire Suppression permit, a Backflow permit will also be required. There is no additional charge for a Backflow permit associated with a Plumbing or Fire Protection permit. A permit is not needed for testing the device.
Required Information
To obtain a plumbing permit, the following information is required at the time of application:
- The manufacturer's specification sheet indicating the type of device and the ASSE information.
- The manufacturer's installation instructions.
- The owner's complete name, present mailing address, and telephone number.
- The plumber's or plumbing contractor's complete name or business name, present mailing address, telephone number, certification number, copy of state class "A", "B", or "C" contractor's registration number, and city business license number.
- Proof of insurance if not licensed as a Class A contractor.
- The appropriate fee made to the City of Harrisonburg.
Application Approval
Provided that there are no problems, insufficient information, or drawings, the plumbing permit will normally be issued within two days of the application. The permit is not valid until the permit fee has been paid, and the permit placard is posted on the job site.
Posting of Permit
The plumbing or fire suppression permit shall be displayed on the outside of the building or premises, where it is plainly visible from the street, and shall not be removed until the final inspection has been completed.
Required Inspection Information
The following is a list of required inspections to be scheduled by the plumbing contractor, owner, or owner's authorized agent:
- Final inspection by a licensed third-party backflow device worker.
- Report is to be submitted to the building inspection division.
- Water service shall not pass through the device until the device has passed inspection.
- Permit becomes void if work has not commenced within, or is suspended for, a period of six months from the date of issuance.
- Electrical Permit
An electrical permit is required for any new construction, alterations, additions, swimming pools, and/or other types of electrical work performed in the City of Harrisonburg.
Required Information
To obtain an electrical permit, the following information is required at the time of application:
- Depending on the complexity of the project, drawings, and specifications may be required. These drawings and/or specifications would include, but not be limited to, floor plans showing the location of all receptacles, switches, light fixtures, and appliances. Service and feeder riser diagrams, load calculations for service and other panel boards, fault current information, ground fault protection information, and other plans, calculations, or specifications as may be deemed necessary by the Building Inspection Office.
- The owner's complete name, present mailing address, and telephone number.
- The electrician's or electrical contractor's complete name or business name, present mailing address, telephone number, certification number, copy of state class "A", "B" or "C" contractor's registration number, and city business license number.
- The appropriate fee, based on the total value of electrical work being done, made payable to City of Harrisonburg.
Application Approval
In most cases, permit requests submitted before 3:00pm will be issued the same day. The permit is not valid until the permit fee has been paid and the permit placard is posted on the job site.
Posting of Permit
The electrical permit shall be displayed on the outside of the building or premises, where it is plainly visible from the street, and shall not be removed until building or renovation is complete and ready for occupancy.
Required Inspection Information
The following is a list of required inspections to be scheduled by the electrical contractor, owner or owner's authorized agent:
- Temporary service.
- Under slab-entrance conduits, etc.
- Trench-service entrance.
- Trench-including site lighting, etc.
- Rough-in-boxes set, wires pulled, proper connections, etc.
- Permanent service.
- Final-all fixtures, hard wired appliances, heating and air conditioning equipment, receptacles, and switches installed and operational.
- Other inspections as may be deemed necessary.
NOTE: If the permit is for new electrical service or a service change, a Panel Torque Settings form [202KB] is required at the time of inspection.
- A final electrical inspection is required prior to a final building inspection being scheduled.
- A permit becomes void if work has not commenced within, or is suspended for, a period of six (6) months from the date of issuance.
- If desiring to do so, the owner may do the work as long as the proper permit has been obtained, and all required inspections are requested and performed.
- Fire Suppression System Permit
A fire suppression system permit is required for fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, and other fire suppression systems. If a backflow prevention device will be installed as part of a fire suppression permit, a Backflow Prevention Device permit is also required.
- Mechanical Permit
A mechanical permit is required for any new construction, alterations, additions, and/or other types of mechanical work performed in the City of Harrisonburg.
Required Information
To obtain a mechanical permit, the following information is required at the time of application:
- Depending on the complexity of the project, drawings and specifications may be required. These drawings and/or specifications would include, but not be limited to, floor plans showing all registers, plenums, duct work, and grills for exhausts, make up, and supplies; the size, location, and type of all heating and cooling equipment; the size and location of all fans; the location, size and type of all duct work; the location, size and type of any tanks; and other plans, calculations, or specifications as may be deemed necessary by the building inspection office.
- The owner's complete name, present mailing address and phone number.
- The kW, ratings, horsepower, etc. of all equipment.
- The mechanical contractor's complete name or business name, present mailing address, phone number, certification number, copy of class "A", "B" or "C" state contractor's number, and City of Harrisonburg business license number.
- The appropriate fee based on the total value of mechanical work being done, made payable to the City of Harrisonburg.
Application Approval
In most cases, permit applications submitted before 3:00pm will be issued the same day. The permit is not valid until the permit fee has been paid and the permit placard posted on the job site.
Notice: Mechanical permits which include a tank installation will require building codes review. This review may take up to two weeks to process.
Posting of Permit
The mechanical permit shall be displayed on the outside of the building or premises, where it is plainly visible from the street, and shall not be removed until all work is complete.
Required Inspection Information
The following is a list of required inspections to be scheduled by the mechanical contractor, owner, or owner's authorized agent:
- Under slab (duct work, fuel lines, etc.).
- Trench (duct work, fuel lines, etc.).
- Rough-in (duct work, paned off plenum spaces, tanks, etc.).
- Final (the mechanical system is to be fully operational).
- Other inspections as may be deemed necessary.
- Rough-in, slab, trench and final mechanical inspections are to be made and passed prior to building inspections being scheduled.
- For other than a final inspection, the installation is not to be concealed prior to inspection and approval.
- The mechanical permit becomes void if work has not commenced within, or is suspended for, a period of six months or more.
- If desiring to do so, the owner may do the work if the proper permit has been obtained, all required inspections are requested and performed, and all applicable fees are paid.
An applicant acting as their own contractor assumes all liability, damages, and all other responsibilities of the work. The applicant is responsible for knowledge of the code requirements, corrections to plans resulting from the plan review process, and corrections of violations found resulting from required inspections.
- Plumbing Permit
A plumbing permit is required for any new construction, alterations, additions, swimming pools, and/or other types of plumbing work performed in the City of Harrisonburg. If a backflow prevention device will be installed as part of a plumbing permit, a backflow prevention device permit will also be required.
Required Information
To obtain a plumbing permit, the following information is required at the time of application:
- Depending on the complexity of the project, drawings may be required. These plans would include, but not be limited to, floor plans showing the location of all plumbing fixtures and appliances, a drainage riser diagram, a water supply riser diagram, and other plans as deemed necessary by the Building Inspection Office.
- The owner's complete name, present mailing address, and telephone number.
- The plumber's or plumbing contractor's complete name or business name, present mailing address, telephone number, certification number, copy of state class "A", "B", or "C" contractor's registration number, and city business license number.
- The appropriate fee, based on the type of structure or the total number of fixtures and appliances. Single family dwellings, townhouses and apartment units have a flat inclusive fee. Checks for fees should be made to the City of Harrisonburg.
Application Approval
In most cases, permit applications submitted before 3:00pm may be issued the same day. The permit is not valid until the permit fee has been paid, and the permit placard is posted on the job site.
Posting of Permit
The plumbing permit shall be displayed on the outside of the building or premises, where it is plainly visible from the street, and shall not be removed until the work is complete and ready for occupancy.
Required Inspection Information
The following is a list of required inspections to be scheduled by the plumbing contractor, owner, or owner's authorized agent:
- Under slab- water and building drains.
- Rough-in- water distribution and drainage waste, and vent systems.
- Service lines- water and sewer.
- Final- all fixtures and appliances set and operational.
- Other inspections as deemed necessary.
- A final plumbing inspection is required prior to a final building inspection being scheduled.
- Permit becomes void if work has not commenced within, or is suspended for, a period of six months from the date of issuance.
- If desiring to do so, the Owner may do the work if the proper permit has been obtained, and all required inspections are requested and performed.
- Storage Tanks
Storage Tank Regulations
Storage tank regulations are contained within the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. All permits, inspections, and enforcement procedures concerning these regulations are the responsibility of the Harrisonburg Fire Department.
Questions regarding storage tank permitting can be answered by the Fire Department at 540-432-7703.
Who Needs a Permit?
A permit must be obtained from the Fire Department to remove, install, or abandon any storage tank. Applications are available at the Fire Department offices located at 101 North Main Street, Monday through Friday during regular business hours (8:00am -5:00pm). Please allow for permit processing time.
Notice: A Building Permit does not take the place of a Storage Tank Permit.
Pressure Test Required
A pressure test will be required on any storage tank and must be witnessed by a representative from the Fire Inspector's Office.
Soil Sample Test Required
A required soil sample test is to be conducted by a certified lab and a copy sent to the Fire Inspector's Office.
Penalty for violations are a Class 1 misdemeanor in accordance with the Code of Virginia.