Traffic Impact Analysis Requirements

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Per the City’s Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the City’s Design and Construction Standards Manual (DCSM), the City requires that a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) be conducted for any planned development (associated with rezonings, special use permits, preliminary plats, and engineered comprehensive site plans) expected to generate 100 or more peak hour vehicle trips. 


Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Documents 

PDF[1.15MB] Determination of Need for a Traffic Impact Analysis - Updated December 2019

For inclusion in an application for Planning Commission review (for rezoning, special use permit, or preliminary plat), this form must be submitted to the Public Works Department at least 5 business days prior to the Planning Commission application deadline.

PDF[71KB] Traffic Impact Analysis Review Fee Form Updated January 2020

Microsoft Word Icon[148KB] Pre-Scope of Work Meeting Form



To initiate the TIA review process or if questions, applicants or interested parties shall contact the Public Works Department Traffic Engineer at 540-434-5928,, or Department of Public Works, 320 East Mosby Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.

The Public Works Department will serve as the City TIA Liaison to coordinate with city departments and, if needed, VDOT and Rockingham County representatives. 



1. Applicant contacts Departments of Public Works or Community Development about rezoning, subdivision, preliminary plat, or engineered comprehensive site plan review.

a. City staff refers application to TIA Liaison.

b. Applicant completes the Determination of Need for a Traffic Impact Analysis form and submits to TIA Liaison. (The TIA Liaison is available assist with completion of the form if needed.) 

Note: For inclusion in an application for Planning Commission review (for rezoning, special use permit, or preliminary plat), the Determination of Need form must be submitted to the Public Works Department at least 5 business days prior to the Planning Commission application deadline. 

i. If TIA is required, refer continue to Step 2.

ii. If TIA is not required, the TIA Liaison will return the signed Determination of Need form for the applicant to submit with rezoning, special use permit, preliminary plat, or engineered comprehensive site plan review applications. Do not continue to Step 2. 

2. TIA Liaison will refer the applicant to Community Development Planning Staff. 

a. Community Development Planning staff works with applicants to schedule a pre-application meeting with city departments to discuss the project. Please refer to the Pre-Application Meetings webpage for details on how to schedule and submission requirements for the meeting. 

3. After the pre-application meeting, the applicant and City TIA Liaison schedule scoping meeting. 

a. City TIA Liaison will invite Public Works, Community Development, and Public Transportation representatives.

b. City TIA Liaison will invite VDOT District Planning and Area Land Use staff if required by State Code 24 VAC 30-155 (also known as “Chapter 527”).

c. City TIA Liaison may also invite Rockingham County Planning staff. 

4. Applicant submits Pre-Scope of Work Meeting Form to City TIA Liaison no less than 3 business days prior to scoping meeting. City TIA Liaison will forward to City, VDOT, and Rockingham Co staff. 

5. Hold TIA Scoping Meeting

a. Typically hosted at Harrisonburg Public Works Department, 320 East Mosby Road, Harrisonburg.

6. Applicant submits TIA and fees to the City TIA Liaison

a. Submit TIA

i. One (1) hardcopy, electronic copy, and modeling files to City TIA Liaison. 

ii. If VDOT review required, submit an additional one (1) hardcopy. 

b. Submit Fees

i. If the rezoning, special use permit, preliminary plat, or engineered comprehensive site plan requires review by city only, then one thousand dollars ($1,000) shall be made payable to the City of Harrisonburg. The fee shall be delivered or mailed to the City TIA Liaison and include Traffic Impact Analysis Review & Fee Form. 

ii. If the rezoning, special use permit, preliminary plat, or engineered comprehensive site plan requires VDOT review, then no fees are owed to the City. Fees shall be made payable to the Virginia Department of Transportation in the amount dictated by state code. (Note: VDOT may provide courtesy reviews upon the City’s request and VDOT will not receive fees. The TIA Liaison can assist the applicant in determining if VDOT review was required or was a courtesy review.)

c. City review of TIA will not begin until fees have been received. 

7. Review, Revisions and Resubmittals of TIA

a. City staff will strive to complete the initial TIA review within 30 calendar days of the date the TIA was accepted for review. Additional meetings and/or revisions to the TIA may be required.  The length of time to reach final approval of a TIA will vary depending upon the complexity of the study and availability of parties involved. 

i. Note: When VDOT review is required, State code states that within 45 days of receipt of a TIA, VDOT shall either provide written comment or request to schedule a meeting within 60 days or receipt of the proposal. Final review may take up to 120 days. 

b. City staff will review TIA and compile comments to send to the applicant.

c. If needed, additional meetings will be held with staff and applicants to discuss TIA.

8. Applicant submits Final TIA

a. Submits one (1) hardcopy, electronic copy, and modeling files to City TIA Liaison.

b. If VDOT review required, submit an additional one (1) hardcopy. 

9. TIA Accepted

a. City TIA Liaison will provide a formal letter accepting the TIA.

10. Applicant proceeds with submitting requests for rezoning, special use permit, preliminary plat, or engineered comprehensive site plan review to the Department of Community Development. Applicant shall include the TIA acceptance letter with applications for rezoning, special use permit, preliminary plat, or engineered comprehensive site plan review.


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