Date: Saturday, March 29

Time: 12:30pm - 4:00pm 

Location: Ice House Building in Downtown Harrisonburg (127 West Bruce Street Entrance), Pale Fire Brewing Company & Drifters Café


Join us for the third Pollinators in Your Yard event, taking place in Downtown Harrisonburg at the Ice House building and Drifters Café! This event, that celebrates ongoing efforts to support Harrisonburg as a pollinator-friendly city, is full of information and activities that the whole family may enjoy. 

The event kicks off with a discussion about pollinator-friendly initiatives happening around the City of Harrisonburg. Enjoy informative talks about different types of pollinator plant species and how to map out a pollinator space in your green space, proper pesticide use or pesticide alternatives, and how to manage invasive species. 

Also spend time visiting interactive education stations to learn more about pollinators and participate in activities that are friendly to the whole family! Admission is free. 

2025 Schedule of Events:

Informative Talks - Ice House Building, 127 West Bruce Street Entrance

  • 1:00pm - Kickoff Discussion - Harrisonburg's Pollinator Program, An Update - Harrisonburg City Staff

Hear about current efforts with pollinator-friendly initiatives in Harrisonburg including the pollinator corridor and its gardens, the new Honeybee Permit, and more!

  • 1:30pm - Talk 1 - Pollinators in Harrisonburg, Two Studies - Lee Brown & Amy Goodall, James Madison University

Learn from two James Madison University educators as they present their findings and years of work studying pollinators right here in Harrisonburg! Learn details about specific pollinator animal species in Harrisonburg's greenspaces and the plant species that support them.

  • 2:30pm - Talk 2 - Pollinators in Education, A Panel Discussion - Local Educators to be announced.

Learn about recent pollinator projects that have taken place in Harrisonburg City School greenspaces and around the community! These activities and projects have been made possible with much collaboration with City staff, City Schools, local organizations, and more! Learn about environmental-friendly initiatives taking place in your community, educational opportunities, and be a part of the brainstorm for future environmentally-friendly collaboration!

Education Stations - 12:30pm – 4:00pm - Beside and inside the Ice House Building (127 West Bruce Street entrance), Pale Fire Brewing Company, and Drifters Café 

  1. Virginia Master Naturalists Headwaters Chapter
  2. Build Our Parks
  3. VA Native Plant Society - Plant, Ridge, and Valley Natives Guide - Anna Maria Johnson
  4. Bee Campus USA - Ali Sloop, JMU
  5. Bee-Friendly Beekeepers Club - JMU
  6. The Natural Garden
  7. Harrisonburg Public Works Stormwater Team & HCAP Program
  8. JMU Geography Club

(More Vendors to be announced as the event approaches.)

Play Pollinator BINGO - Visit Education Stations for a chance to win prizes! Pick up your BINGO Card at the event's welcome table at the Ice House! 

Education Station Map & Pollinator BINGO Card - Coming Soon!


Parking is available in the West Bruce Street parking lot, Water Street Parking Deck, Harrisonburg City Hall Parking Lot, and Harrisonburg Electric Commission Lot in appropriate parking spots. Please pay attention to public parking signage guidelines/timeframes.

Main Event Entrance (JMU entrance doors off of W Bruce St)


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