The following documents are important in understanding the mission and mode of operation of the City of Harrisonburg. The resource will periodically be updated. 

City of Harrisonburg Governmental Structure and Vision

International City/County Management Association (ICMA) - Council-Manager Form of Government [1.24MB]

This four-page document explains the Council-Manager form of government that Harrisonburg uses, details how this form of government benefits communities, and the role of elected officials and managers in such an organization.

Virginia Municipal League Handbook for Mayors and Council Members [2.2MB]

The Virginia Municipal League (VML) provides this 208-page document to help educate elected officials about topics such as the Dillon Rule, roles of elected officials, public meetings, and numerous government responsibilities and services.

City of Harrisonburg Charter

The legal Charter for the City of Harrisonburg, and its amendments, as kept under Virginia Law. 

Harrisonburg City Council 2043 Vision Plan [1.2MB]

Harrisonburg City Council, in 2019, created their 20-year vision plan – highlighting the goals our organization would pursue over the next two decades. This two-page document details our mission statement and explains our seven key goals. City Council updates this Vision Plan every two years.

Harrisonburg City Services Guide [28MB]

This 40-page document introduces community members to each department and highlights the services those departments offer. 

City Council, Boards & Committees 

You can find meeting agendas, minutes, and videos from multiple years of City Council meetings, as well as information for Harrisonburg's Boards & Committees. 

Harrisonburg City Code

A resource for building code regulations, health and sanitation codes, planning commission information, traffic and parking regulations, safety codes, noise ordinance, sign ordinance, subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance and other ordinances and information for the City of Harrisonburg.


Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Financial Documents

2024-2025 Budget in Brief [5MB]

This nine-page document is used every year to easily explain to our community how their tax dollars are being used and to identify budget highlights and challenges.

2024-2025 Complete Approved Budget [824KB]

This 394-page document details the City's complete budget for fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The adopted budget amounts to $403.1 million.

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