Current term: 2025 - 2028
Contact: Nasser.Alsaadun@harrisonburgva.gov
Send Councilman Alsaadun a message using this online form.
- Born and raised in Basra, Iraq
- Wife, Najlaa, and four children
- University of Basra, Iraq - Bachelor in English
- Eastern Mennonite University - Masters in Education
- Adjunct Faculty at James Madison University and EL teacher at Rockingham County Public Schools
Civic Involvement/Other Boards and Commissions
- Valley Muslim Community Foundation
- Welcoming Harrisonburg Council
- Valley Interfaith Action
- Council Representative - Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission
- Council Representative - City / School Liaison
- Council Representative - Metropolitan Planning Organization (Policy)
- Council Representative -Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance Board of Directors
- Council Representative - EMU / City Liaison
- Council Representative - City / HRHA Liaison
- Council Representative - International Town and Gown Association
Favorite thing about Harrisonburg
"Its friendly and accepting people of different backgrounds."