HPD's K-9 Team is comprised of three officers, all of whom are full-time handlers. The officers are assigned to the Patrol Division for rapid response and support of daily duties.
Each member of the unit has been partnered with either a Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd, and they train weekly to hone their skills and develop strong relationships.
The dogs are trained in patrol utility work or scent detection work and must be commanded in their native language of either Dutch, Czechoslovakian or German.
Patrol utility work includes tracking, article searches, building searches, and apprehensions, while scent detection work includes narcotic and explosive detection. HPD's dogs live with the handler, and after a long career of service, they can retire at the officer's residence.
Facility Dog

HPD is proud to have one facility dog, Hudson. Hudson is trained to provide comfort in distressing situations, support victims of crime and witnesses during the judicial process, and provide peer support to officers as they face stressors in and out of uniform.