City Manager
Harrisonburg Citizen Academy
The Harrisonburg Citizen Academy is a 13-week program that allows community members to learn more about the functions of City departments and services.
How Do I Request Street Closings for Special Events?
To request the closure of a public street for any scheduled event of a non-emergency nature, please fill out the street closing application form.
How Do I Find City Code?
Harrisonburg City Code can be found through
Additional Financial Documents
Monthly financial reports and other financial documents.
Public Information Officer
The mission of the Public Information Office is to deliver timely and accurate information to the public, elected and appointed officials, city departments and the media, as well as to encourage open communication between those same parties.
Boards & Commissions
City Code
Find codes for the City of Harrisonburg; including: building code regulations, health and sanitation codes, planning commission information, traffic and parking regulations, safety codes, sign ordinance, subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance, etc.