City Manager

Does the City Clerk Provide Marriage License/ Name Change/ Passport/ Deeds/ Real Estate/ Personal Property Information?

No, the City Clerk does not have access to this information.  You can contact the Rockingham County Court House to obtain a marriage license, name change, passport, and deed information. The Clerk of Circuit Court for both Harrisonburg City and Rockingham County can be reached at 540-564-3111. More information about the Rockingham County Clerk of Court.

What is Community Development Block Grant (CBDG)?

The CDBG program is a block grant given by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program is authorized by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 in place of several community development categorical grant programs. CDBG provides eligible metropolitan cities and urban counties (called "entitlement communities") with annual direct grants that they can use to revitalize neighborhoods, expand affordable housing and economic opportunities, and/or improve community facilities and services, principally to benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
