Virginia Trees for Clean Water - Hillandale Tree Plantings

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Current Size: 100%

  • Project Date: Spring 2017
  • Partners: City of Harrisonburg, Virginia Department of Forestry
  • Funding: Grant funding from the Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant
  • Volunteers: Harrisonburg BSA Troop 40


As visitors enter Hillandale Park, they pass through a homogenous and even-aged tree canopy. This canopy cover and forest characteristics extend to over half of the park. The noticeable lack of diversity and understory species expose many of the existing species to an elevated risk from pests such as Emerald Ash Borer, Anthracnose, and Woolly Adelgid. Parks and Recreation is staying ahead of these threats with the 77 native trees and shrubs planted in Spring 2017. This project increased species diversity, increased wildlife food and habitat, helped stabilize eroded soil, and enhanced water quality within the local watershed. 

Planting Trees During Blacks Run Clean Up Day

Planting trees during Blacks Run Clean Up Day (April 8, 2017)


BSA Troop 40

Thanks to Harrisonburg BSA Troop 40 for volunteering!

Species List

  • Red Maple
  • Serviceberry
  • Redbud
  • Dogwood
  • Hawthorn
  • Witch-Hazel
  • Blackgum
  • Pin Oak
  • Viburnum