Report Water Pollution

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Play an active role in your community and help preserve the condition of your environment.

If something other than water is spilled or enters the waterway or storm drain these spills, illicit discharges, sewer problems, etc should be reported using the following contact information so we can work with the appropriate groups to get the matter resolved.

If a spill is suspected to be hazardous, call 911. For all incidents, be prepared to give the following information:

  • Date and time
  • Location of problem/incident
  • Source of the pollution (if known)
  • Responsible party (if known)


James Madison University


  • To Report by Phone, call: 540-942-6775
  • To Report a Concern online, use the RequestTracker


If you are unsure of the locality report to DEQ's Virginia Emergency Operations Center or call 1-800-468-8892

For more information about water pollution and illicit discharges, visit: