What To Bring and FAQs

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Here are some suggestions of things to help you prepare for CleanUp Day:

What should I wear to CleanUp Day?

If you are going to participate in stream or street clean up, wear protective clothing that is easy to see. Long pants and close-toed shoes are strongly recommended. If you have gardening gloves, please bring them. (We will have a limited supply of gloves available for volunteers.)


What should I bring to CleanUp Day?

Water and sunblock are recommended. Please help us reduce waste and bring your own reusable water bottles. We will have water refill stations available.


Where should I park my car on CleanUp Day?

When coming to Ralph Sampson Park to sign in, to visit the GreenScene, and for lunch volunteers should park at Lucy Simms Education Center, 620 Simms Avenue. Driving directions


Will I have to drive from Ralph Sampson Park to my team's CleanUp site?

Since CleanUp sites are spread throughout the City, your team will likely have to drive to your clean up site. By pre-registering your team, we will be able to assign you a CleanUp site and let you know where it is in advance. We encourage your team to carpool, and if your site is close enough, consider biking!


I have young children. Can they participate in Clean Up Day?

Yes! However, availability of "kid-friendly" sites are limited. We encourage groups with young children to pre-register to allow us to best match teams with sites. If you do not feel comfortable having your children participate in clean up activities, we encourage you to enjoy your time at the Green Scene, which will have many kid-friendly exhibits and activities. 


I hear that volunteers get a free lunch. What's for lunch?

We will have cheese and pepperoni pizza for volunteers starting at 11:30am. Come get some slices, hang out on the lawn, and enjoy the Green Scene exhibits!


What does your full schedule of events look like?

See the listing here.


When will next year's CleanUp Day be?

CleanUp Day is scheduled every year on the second Saturday in April. 


Additional questions may be directed to Trey Jarrels at 540-820-0089.