Tree Plantings behind Public Works and Public Utilities

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  • Project Date: March 28, 2009
  • Partners: City of Harrisonburg, Pure Water Forum, Department of Forestry, Cacapon Institute and Cargill
  • Funding: Part of the $15,000 sum that Cargill gave for five planting sites
  • Volunteers: Cargill employees, Pure Water Forum, Department of Forestry, Cacapon Institute and JMU students

The area behind Harrisonburg Public Utilities and Public Works contains approximately 1,500 linear feet of Blacks Run riparian area. Most of the area that was planted with trees is approximately 45 feet from the wetted edge of the stream on both sides. Plantings along this section of stream greatly increase nutrient uptake from Blacks Run and provide much needed shade to reduce summer stream temperatures.  Cooler stream temperatures benefit sensitive species of both fish and macroinvertebrates.  Also, the additional overhanging shrubs and branches will contribute a considerable amount to fish diets. 

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