Public Utilities Tree Plantings

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On November 14, 2014, Parks and Recreation staff with the help of Conservation Services, planted 300 trees as part of a riparian buffer planting on Blacks Run. 

The project was funded by George’s Inc. as part of their continued efforts to clean up the Blacks Run watershed.

300 Native trees were planted throughout the riparian area. The mix included Cottonwood, Willow Oak, Red Maple, River Birch, Sycamore and Black Walnut trees.

Riparian Buffers are vital for the Blacks Run watershed for many reasons. The riparian vegetation slows down floodwaters, helping to maintain streambanks and protecting downstream property. The buffers also provide shade lowering water temperature as well as providing habitat for local wildlife. Most importantly, riparian buffers are a natural filter that’s prevents excessive nutrients and sediment reaching the stream. 

The City of Harrisonburg thanks George’s Inc. for the funding as well as Public Utilities for the land use as we continue our collaborative efforts to clean up both the city and Chesapeake Bay Watersheds.


Public Utilities Tree Planting

Public Utilities Tree Planting

Public Utilities Tree Planting

Public Utilities Tree Planting

Public Utilities Tree Planting



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