Headwaters Master Naturalists Partnership Pollinator Garden Project

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On October 30, 2014, members of the Headwaters Master Naturalists helped construct a pollinator garden in Purcell Park.

Volunteers Chris Bowlen, Bea Woody, Art Vasy, Kathy Byers, Josie Kinkade, Carl Droms, and Adrie Voors planted the garden as part of a new "Monarchs and More!" initiative that focuses on providing habitat to declining Monarch butterfly populations.

A mulch bed was constructed to keep out unwanted weeds and grasses along with milkweed plantings to help establish habitats for both Monarch butterflies and pollinator species. The garden was planted in the riparian buffer easement along the Sieberts Creek bridge which eventually runs into Blacks Run.  The holders of the Purcell Park Easement, Valley Conservation Council, granted permission to establish the plantings.

Please come out and visit Purcell Park to see all the hard work put into this project!

Pollinator Garden

Pollinator Garden Sign


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